The expansion focuses only on the first 151 Pokémon to ever be introduced; namely, Generation I Pokémon. Blurb Gotta Catch'Em All! Team up with Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle, and witness a brand-new dawn in Kanto!
With this new day comes a new chance to track down old friends, make new partners, and capture every last one of the original 151. Discover the extraordinary Venusaur ex, Charizard ex, and Blastoise ex in special cards with captivating illustrations, and explore the cities and countryside of a reinvigorated land-you might even find the elusive Mew ex in your travels. New adventures will unfold and new horizons will be revealed in the Scarlet & Violet-151 expansion! Pokémon Card 151 logo Scarlet & Violet-151 is a special expansion containing 165+ cards that will be released on September 22, 2023.
In Japan, it is known as Pokémon Card 151, and was released on June 16, 2023, followed by localized releases in Taiwan and Hong Kong on June 30, 2023, and in Indonesia, Thailand and South Korea on July 28, 2023. 151 features only Generation I Pokémon; unlike in most expansions, Pokémon cards in this expansion are ordered according to the Pokémon's National Pokédex numbers, instead of being grouped by their type. This expansion contains 12 Pokémon ex cards, 16 illustration rare and seven special illustration rare Pokémon and Supporter cards, 16 ultra rare full-art etched Pokémon and Supporter cards, and three hyper rare gold etched cards. Cosmos Holofoil Basic Energy cards can also be found in 151 booster packs.In the Japanese, Korean and Traditional Chinese subsets, each booster pack contains seven cards with two guaranteed Holofoil cards, and common, uncommon, and rare cards have Mirror Holofoil variants featuring a Poké Ball pattern; or, rarely, a Master Ball pattern. Thai and Indonesian booster packs contain five cards with no guarantees of Holofoil cards, and has no Mirror Holofoil prints. This subset is notable for introducing the first Kadabra card since the release of Kadabra from Skyridge in 2003, nearly twenty years prior. Official license product of The Pokemon Company. Cards are made in Japan in Indonesian.
Each box contains 30 packs. Each pack includes 5 cards.
Note: All cards are in Indonesian ONLY.